Thursday 26 July 2007

Clean again

Luckily, Jinan, the "city of Springs", has a local fact, via a large number of wells, the natural springs in the city provide water for drinking & washing too, so crisis averted - I'm clean! (although I was strangely itchy for some time after) The same cannot be said for the public toilets in town though; mind you, they were better than the one where I'd been staying (previous post).

Here's another pic of some dumplings...believe it or not, I actually made about 20 of these while staying with a family in the outskirts of Jinan. In the same amount of time it took me to make those 20 however, the ladies who were 'training' me managed to knock up 2 full trays. I was then expected to eat about 30 of them, which I duly attempted to do in order to be polite, but there wasn't anything too polite about the aftermath; damn - there we go seems at the moment, all blog roads lead to the toilet. Maybe this diary should be renamed my 'bog'.

p.s for those of you that haven't noticed, I added a link to google maps on the right - no, the other right. I think it works, but I can't check coz although I can post my propaganda on, I can't actually view the blog itself...* is blocked in China.


Chai said...

U can try this to bypass the blogspot ban.

Not sure what the penalties would be.

Gavin said...

Hi Rich, the Google link works, you seem to be near Bejing, Datong

It is great you stayed with a local.

I noticed the high tech solar light in your picture?

And a bicycle, yours? Cycling around China?
