Saturday 23 June 2007

Fifty gorgeous girls and a few ugly ones

Yep, "fifty gorgeous girls and a few ugly ones" was the sign outside one of the bars in Patpong last night. We're in Bangkok - wow, are we in Bangkok!

It occurred to me yesterday that perhaps it's true that the closer you are to death, the more alive you feel..this occurred to me as we were hurtling through the streets of Bangkok in a Tuk Tuk, which as near as I can make out is a souped up tricycle with a roll cage. Negotiating for a tuk tuk ride includes negotiating the number of shops you must browse on the way to your destination. If the driver gets you into (most probably) a tailor or jeweller, they get fuel coupons. If you buy something, they get alot of fuel coupons..
We've been here less than 48 hours & we've :

  • Had a suit made (just picked it up - the tuk tuk driver who dropped us off there yesterday was pretty pleased with the fuel outcome).

  • Seen sitting buddha, standing buddha and lucky buddha

  • Had a massage (unwanted - ho happy ending)

  • Had a massage (wanted - no happy ending)

  • Been offered no less than 20 sex shows, each with menu ('banana cutting', 'candle lighting', 'ping pong' of course, 'chopsticks', 'pie eating' - actually, I made that last one up, but you get the idea).

  • Had a few Tiger beers while listening to a couple of pretty talented acoustic guitarists.

  • Got very drunk on Thai whisky with 6 backpackers from Manchester.
Today was a pretty slow day courtesy of that last item on the list..we did however manage to watch Team America in one of the cafes. HERRROOOO, Hans Brix speaking!

This city is brilliant.